
Christ. OK. It will make her happy.

Four First Names of Crushes Crusher's Had
1. Valerie
2. Helena
3. Lorie
4. Robin

Four Pieces of Clothing Crusher Wishes Crusher Still Owned
1. The first and only leather jacket
2. Cowboy boots from 2d grade
3. That green t-shirt
4. The black wool sweater

Four Names Crusher Has Been Called at One Time or Another
1. Grammar Fucker
2. Satan
3. T
4. Crusher

Four Professions Crusher Secretly Wants to Try
1. Bread baker
2. Drummer
3. Doctor
4. Filmmaker

Four Musicians Crusher Most Wants to Go On a Date With
1. Emmylou Harris
2. Nanci Griffith
3. Lucinda Williams
4. Margo Timmins

Four Foods Crusher Would Rather Throw than Eat
1. Sheep testicles
2. Paper airplanes
3. Golden Delicious apples
4. Any other kind of testicles

Four Things Crusher Likes to Sniff
1. Old books
2. Crusher's t-shirt after working out
3. Magic markers
4. Coffee

Four People to Tag: Pointless. Not even four people read this blog. Hell, Crusher doesn't even read it.

Inflicted on Crusher by Lina. As most things are.



Silence, exile, and cunning

"Believe me, the only thing a writer can ever regret is those occasions when he followed anything but the prompting of his own heart and intellect; and mind you, the applies to the smallest particular. Silence, exile, and cunning: Joyce was right."

~Shelby Foote, in a letter to Walker Percy

Crusher misses Mr. Foote being among us. He was arrogant, self-absorbed, cynical, and righteously pissed off at the stupidities and cruelties of our breed. And Mr. Foote truly didn't give a fuck what you thought. About anything.

Amen and amen.


From Gospodinov's Natural Novel

Mutual antipathy, like its opposite, has no need of excuses.


All that crap stuck in that bastard phony's razor

You're The Catcher in the Rye!

by J.D. Salinger

You are surrounded by phonies, and boy are you sick of them! In an
ongoing struggle to search for a land without phonies, you end up running away from
everything, from school to consequences. In this process, you reveal that many people
in your life have suffered torments and all you really want to do is catch them as
they fall. Perhaps using a baseball mitt. Your biggest fans are infamous

Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

Crusher blames Lina for this phony quiz.