
Christ. OK. It will make her happy.

Four First Names of Crushes Crusher's Had
1. Valerie
2. Helena
3. Lorie
4. Robin

Four Pieces of Clothing Crusher Wishes Crusher Still Owned
1. The first and only leather jacket
2. Cowboy boots from 2d grade
3. That green t-shirt
4. The black wool sweater

Four Names Crusher Has Been Called at One Time or Another
1. Grammar Fucker
2. Satan
3. T
4. Crusher

Four Professions Crusher Secretly Wants to Try
1. Bread baker
2. Drummer
3. Doctor
4. Filmmaker

Four Musicians Crusher Most Wants to Go On a Date With
1. Emmylou Harris
2. Nanci Griffith
3. Lucinda Williams
4. Margo Timmins

Four Foods Crusher Would Rather Throw than Eat
1. Sheep testicles
2. Paper airplanes
3. Golden Delicious apples
4. Any other kind of testicles

Four Things Crusher Likes to Sniff
1. Old books
2. Crusher's t-shirt after working out
3. Magic markers
4. Coffee

Four People to Tag: Pointless. Not even four people read this blog. Hell, Crusher doesn't even read it.

Inflicted on Crusher by Lina. As most things are.


Anonymous said...

Your crushes have stupid names. Really fucking stupid.
Not as stupid as Crusher, like. Nowt's that fucking stupid.
Stupid head.

Cup said...

Interesting. Crusher's T-shirt after working out is one of my four favorite things to sniff, too.